Sunday, April 11, 2010

May 9th.

I realized today that in less than a month I will no longer be employed by the Kansas City Ballet. This has been a title, status symbol and safety-zone all rolled into one for years now, and it will soon cease to be so. Yikes! I am amazed at how laid back I feel about this right now. Should I be freaked out? Why am I so confident? I don't even have an apartment to move into, and I'll be moving out of my current one in three weeks!

One thing is for sure, and that is that I'm ready. I have been realizing that my posts as of late have seemingly less substance than the earlier ones, and I don't find that problematic. It is simply a natural progression and an indication that I am doing what I should be doing and becoming increasingly more at ease with my decision. No, I don't have an apartment yet. Yes, my current apartment is a mess with all of my belongings on the floors. However, I will find a new apartment, and I will somehow manage to move out of this one. All will be well. Why? Because it has to be!

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