Tuesday, March 23, 2010

And all that jazz.

Today I branched out yet again-but not too far, and I attended a theatre jazz class at the school I teach in. I had a blast moving in yet another way-one more akin to what I hope to be doing soon. I loved working in another vocabulary that wasn't so far off from what I already know (unlike tap,) and it was fun to work on picking things up quickly. That is something that always makes me a bit nervous. It was fun and challenging. With every class, I feel more and more comfortable and confident that I'm doing the right thing for myself.

Today, I also took myself to a movie. The film took place in Pittsburgh. That's not a city that I've ever been to, but it looked beautiful. More than anything though, it made me realize yet again how excited I am to get back to the East Coast. There's just something about it that I love. It's more than just the energy of the cities there. It's the landscaping, the architecture, the water! I have loved my time here in Kansas City, but I can't wait to be where I'm "from" so to speak. I was really tickled that a city that I have never visited and know nothing about could spark such excitement in me.

It's getting close to time!

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